Monday, October 03, 2005

don't kiill the leprechauns...

its true, you proabably shouldn't. although they are small and if underfoot this could happen to you, in that case your best bet is to turn them into a puppet, weekend at bernies style. this is to try to avoid the wrath of the other little people long enough to come up with a better plan. i once kicked my cousins chihuahua across the room because i failed the 'watch-where-you-walk' test, but then again so did the dog i guess.


At 10/03/2005 11:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:O You ripped that from our comic! HERESY!

At 10/04/2005 12:35 pm, Blogger Alanimal said...

heresy, or LAZINESS? probably both.

At 10/11/2005 1:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you will get bad Karma for steppin on a leprechaun.. bad BAD karma it will bite you an then chop of your finger if you have any gold rings on it!!

At 10/12/2005 2:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will your karma get worse? or BETTER?!


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