piirates are way cool...
as stated in the last post global warming is directly influenced by the number of pirates, so to save the world from global warming i am doing my part and announcing myself as a pirate.
also there is some deabte in the wider community over which is better, pirates or ninjas. let me say now that there are 2 parts to this argument:
1. who would win in a fight between a pirate and a ninja.
2. who has the most fun.
comment with your answers, myself i believe a ninja would win the fight only if the pirate didnt take him out drinking the night before, and of course pirates have more fun. garrr!
oh yeah i forgot. order of the purple grapefuit own you all.
true, that is a totally true statement. but as a pubic service announcement please do not click on lol it are josh's link.
you have been warned, consider this the temptation
it be the flag of the dread pirate captain Cockstain the Cowboy
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