Fundamentally Stupid...
what you're about to read is one of the most insanely idiotic things ever written.
At no point in its rambling, incoherent prose will you be close to anything that may be considered a rational thought.
You will be dumber for having read it.
I post after abusing non-pharmaceutical cactii.
May the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you with his noodly appendage.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Sleepiing with the fishes, see?...
People read that bloody DaVinci code book and then all of a sudden they're in the middle of some conspiracy and they try proving that their brother was intervening in the modern bloodline of Jesus Christ and trying to use the offspring as a plant in the pentagon...
This was my little sister, Juju, she should have kept her heretic mouth shut.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Machiine elves do it faster...
If a machine elf stops dancing the fabric of the universe comes undone, this is what killed off the dinosaurs. after machine elves killed the dinosaurs they drank Pirate Cordial which is a special type of drink drunk purely for its alcohol content. the recipe for pirate cordial was found in the head elves backyard while trying to bury an unsuccseful goat transplant recipient.
This is a picture of a machine elf, godzilla and a goat.
The goats name is Mooncheese.