Friday, November 18, 2005

uniiversal student...

like many other universal students at this time of year i too am undergoing exam pressure. artistry helps relieve the pressure and so does drinking heavily, and while it may have been detrimentle to study i have combined the two, and they said it couldnt be done...
this is a photo i took while in adelaide, dont quite remember where, the words national drinking gallery come to mind but i think that was more of a dream i had...the thing that scares me the most is that i was near something that looks like a pirate decided to build a computer while i was heavily intoxicated.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Tiimothy the Hop-Toad...

This is Timothy, he is a hop-toad. bred for his skills in hopping.
Timothy must face the corner for a while, Timothy is in time out for eating K-Billy the cockroach who guarded my garage from liqour pirates during the guild wars.
he claims he was just hungry, bail will not be posted...

Sunday, November 13, 2005


This is M0gwai, he is translucently telepathic.
he is here on earth for one reason only, schmackos, M0gwai goes whacko for schmackos. and by succumbing earth to his will his supply of schmackos will be stabilized.

M0gwai also believes in the free market economy and the monthly tunisian grape sales prediction via aunty helgas lead pouring ritual at easter.

M0gwai attains his power through the tears of infants...

Friday, November 11, 2005

woolen hang gliider...

this is my pet bear, his name is Sortavala. Sortavala enjoys laying on his knitted blanket in the sun. the blanket is a work in progress and Sortavala cannot contain is orgasmic anticipation of the day when it will be finished and its uber-transformation into a woolen hang glider happens. on this day Sortavala will use his wollen hang glider to visit all the places he has seen on Google Earth.
Sortavala is named after his birthplace in Karelia, Russia. he is not, however, a dirty dirty communist.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

the more better educatiion...

Pictured is an activity co-ordinator for the Australian Inter national University.
The AIU is a prominent Australian university with over 200 years of tradition, established in 2005 AIU aims to provide an educational service to a diverse yet exclusive clientele of local and international students. Market research confirms that international students choose an Australian university education for two reasons. firstly, price and secondly, the quality is far superior to universities in Rwanda. While most students prefer degrees from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, or Princeton. Not everyone can afford the best. The AIU is proud to offer the second best.

The picture above was taken at an event I helped organize a while back during my gun-running 'active-on-campus' days, long since forgotten in the anals of the west australian juvi-politburo.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

haiir circles...

rarely recorded in the anus of history is the occurrence of hair circles, while crop circles have been exposed and reported many times their hairy nephew is always left out of the media. this is the true conspiracy!
i woke up with this beauty yesterday, i admit it didn't come with the smily face drawn on but i thought it might look more personable that way. i'm off to see the Mighty Quiche today to see what she may make of it.
i think i'll name him emmanuel.
emmanuel likes your shoes.

Monday, November 07, 2005

apriicots are part of the conspiracy...

a clue! finally after a week of waiting my chance to takepart in my new career of piracy...

it was somewhat past the appropriate time when my conscience and i where partaking of the apricot tea, talking of the days events and the fact of my having beginning the pill-cebo treatment to cure my psuedo-minstrel cycle. i finished the boiled nectar and noticed that indeed before me was a clue. and so it begins...
first, and last and always are the questions,
why the apricot tea?
are the relative lengths of the arms of the red cross an indication of a central location relative to four landmarks? i have a feeling the answers to these questions and others that i did not ask or wish to know are coming... garrr

Thursday, November 03, 2005


police and the mayor always hate it when shellfish take the law into their own hands,.... like a vigilante, its like a vigilante, uh, shellfish.
it is a smoked mussel who is a vigilante.
i found these in a strange 24hr store in adelaide at 3 in the morning. the man in yellow is the smoked mussels enemy, Dr Camo, his power is hiding if he is standing in front of something yellow, like the beatles submarine.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

ii'm very sorry...

i really think i may have blown it with the columbians this time.

iron eagle is the stone eagles biitch...

if your bored then visit the blog of Jarrad Hall (AKA the Iron Eagle), a student at UWA studying, according to his profile, medicine or law. to be honest its quite painful reading until you realise just how serious he takes himself.
This photo, taken from his site is in the style of the classical dickhead standing next to potted plant pose. This style of photo is famous for illustrating the abnormal gravity pull of potted plants on heads, notice the angle of incline of both the idiots head and the fern plant are roughly 20 degrees. although in String and M theories, something the iron eagle would be able to tell you about it is predicted that this angle could become as great as 420 degrees. please visit his site and let him know he is a beautiful and unique snowflake, you'll find it here:

wolfensteiin elevator...

last night on my way home i finally found the elevator on this level, it kinda freaked me out because i hadn't yet run across the level boss, or even been ambushed, although a guy did ask me for change so maybe i'm just not up high enough in the levels yet.
maybe its the one that goes to the 11th level, you know, the purple one. adolf was so a closet queer.
so before i could get on it to see for myself the train came so gordon must have finally got the power running through the tracks, anyway i'm off to the surface, screw black mesa for a joke. ahh well at least its not the end of the world...

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