Saturday, September 23, 2006

turtle riiim glasses

I can't believe i spent time on this at 2am in the morning on a friday.

Dead turtle, new glasses, fresh soup.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

How to Kill Zombies

I've just uploaded my short film "How to Kill Zombies" onto both my profile on myspace and onto Google Video, and now youTube yay!!!

The video was the result of an assignment for uni, a bunch of free rum, a video camera, a weekend and Pirate Coffee! (1/2 coffee, 1/2 Rum, all pirate!)

I had put off compressing and uploading it for months (well nearly a year) but couldn't procrastinate anymore(maybe a little bit more), so here it is, check it out, and if i get off my fat ass this summer there'll be a sequel, so if you like it let me know.

Also i just ate some pizza and it was good, i'm happy now :)


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Secret Piirate! Recipes of the Luftwaffe...

For the modern pirate cooking has essentially evolved into an orgasm of spicing and slicing, before embarking on a bold new day on the seven seas its important to start the day right, some smoked salmon, eggs benedict, and possibly some port.
But sadly many modern pirates don't even use their swords for food preparation anymore, and of those that do too often fill their scabbards with scraps by failing to wipe their blade before resheathing, this has resulted in many badly infected wounds from the innocents on the other end of the pointy bit. its just not proffesional, a clean sword is a common courtesy.
This is disgraceful and really must stop. with the right attitude there is nothing a pirate in a galley can't do.
And Redbeard there is to a place for firearms in the kitchen.

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